


直接爆粗口 傻逼memos,越更新越傻逼,功能砍来砍去,艹,简直无语




astro这个框我是真的会谢 .astro文件不能和.md文件一样渲染,我尝试了很多次,无法加载完全。

[!NOTE] 这里可以看官方说明:点我跳转








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function initMemo(apiV1) {
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function getTimeAgo(timestamp) {
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        case (days == 1):
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        case (days == 2):
            return ' 前天';
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            return ' 一周前';
            return ' '+ days +'天前';
async function updateWaline(data) {
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// 插入 html 
async function updateHTMl(data) {
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                    <span class="name">${} ${icon}</span>
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function loadWaline(e) {
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<script type="module">
import { init, commentCount } from '';
window.initComment = function(params) {
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window.getCommentCount = function(params) {
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site.config.ts 里面修改MenuLinks 如下

export const menuLinks: MenuLinks = [
    link: '/blog',
    label: 'Blog'
    link: '/blog/我的备忘录',
    label: 'Talk'
    link: '/projects',
    label: 'Projects'
    link: '/links',
    label: 'Links'
    link: '/about',
    label: 'About'


[!TIP] 相关的memos配置已经表明在代码里面了,看着换地址就好


Astro 添加说说页面
Author Xingluo
Published at October 12, 2024
Copyright CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Comment seems to stuck. Try to refresh?✨